
Gray Burdens

When are choices burdensome? During or beyond the event? Every choice, once made, that follows into the mind can come with a certain regret. The recklessness of a choice is sometimes evident by the constant pursuit of never-sufficient affirmations from devoted supporters. What is this mechanism of regret? Do you listen to yours often? Any choice that cannot be cheerfully shared with someone you know to be innocent and careful is a difficult one to be sure. Was it the right choice?

As humans, we perpetually make mistakes, fail, and wish things would have turned out differently. The grief of this reality is when we decide to collapse upon a decision that has passed, and surrender to a mistake instead of rise from it. Rarely, decisions can be un-made, due to the chronological nature of choices. You can't, for example, un-fire someone from their job. The decision, although reversible in Human Resources, is not reversible in the minds of others. The simple encouragement of repentance, however, is that these matters can be put behind us. We can grow beyond our mistakes.

But what about uncertain situations? What does it mean to struggle with determining whether a decision should be regretful? This is a burden over gray areas. Eventually, with enough introspect, nothing is gray. There may be benefits and shortcomings to a decision from several different perspectives, providing opposing, black-and-white evaluations over several areas of consideration. However, the vital aspect of whether something is truly burdensome is whether it impacts your spiritual existence negatively. By seeking this one test of evaluation, every other aspect of a choice, whether mostly black or mostly white, can be resolved to a single, supreme evaluating perspective.

For all your gray burdens, find the single strand that must be black or white, and weave your future with God across it.

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